PI4CC webshop

Welcome to this page. Here we will put our items for sale.

In the section  print circuit board you will find designs we are using at our station. To use them at your location, we sell bare PCBs. There is a link to our website with more info. The price per item includes shipping.  Items send from The Netherlands are on stock and will be shipped the next day. Items shipped from China need to be produced and this takes 3 days. Shipping will be standard via China post

The other sections contain items that we no longer need and are intended to be collected.

If you want to place more than 1 order because you want to do a joint project with a group,, contact us via the website.



W7IUV / VE6WZ amp

W7IUV / VE6WZ amp

A packages of 10 pcb's to builds a pre-amp designed by VE6WZ around the 2N5109 transistor.World wide..


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